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Merry Welcome to my blog page! 

I am so excited to go through this journey with you.  As we go along this path, I plan to post on a frequent basis. I don't want you to get bored, but at the same time I also don't want to bombard you with postings.  Because to be honest, I'm kinda private.  A woman of few words.  But with that being said, my topics might range from the personal, to decorating, to my experience with recent services and purchases, all the way to general musings on life.  I do hope that you will want to come back for more!  Thanks so much for stopping by.


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Back to School

Back to School

It's that time of year again. The wheels on the bus go round and round. Okay, I have to admit it has been quite a long time since my daughter has been in school. Yet, I still feel like this time of year is yet another opportunity to start fresh. I have to admit I always thought the start of a new school year was exciting. It was like getting another chance at something new and adventurous. I know there is lots of complaining by the kids, but at the same time you gotta admit they are excited. However, after the relaxation of summer it can become quite hectic on the homefront. I think this checklist from the website will help you remember your "to do's" in getting ready for the school year. So, get on the bus and enjoy the ride!

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